To search and apply for job openings at Orica, go to the “Explore Current Opportunities” page of this site. Use the search filters to find relevant positions based on location or keywords. Click on the job title that interest you to view further details. Follow the instructions to apply!
What should I include in my application?
In your application, we’ll be looking for a tailored resume that highlights your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences. Remember to provide any requested supporting documents, such as certifications or transcripts.
How long does the recruitment process usually take?
The selection process duration may vary depending on factors such as the position, the number of applicants, and the hiring manager's availability. It can take up to 8 weeks from the initial application to the final decision
Will I be notified if my application is unsuccessful?
Yes, we aim to provide timely communication to all applicants on the status and outcome of their application. If you are not selected to proceed to the next stage or if your application is unsuccessful, you will be notified via email or phone.
What is the interview process like at Orica?
There will be multiple stages in the interview process, such as an initial phone call with a Talent team, online assessments, and in-person or virtual interviews. Depending on the role, the exact process can vary. All our candidates are assessed on their skills, experiences, culture add, and potential to contribute to Orica.
What steps are typically involved in the pre-employment process?
This will depend on the role and location however; you can expect basic background checks and medical/ drug & alcohol testing as safety is of the utmost importance for all our employees.
What is the company culture like at Orica?
At Orica, we foster a culture of safety, integrity, collaboration, and innovation. We value diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as the well-being of our employees. Our work environment encourages teamwork, continuous learning, and personal growth. We are committed to delivering sustainable solutions and making a positive impact in the communities where we operate.
What types of opportunities are available for recent graduates?
Our graduate programs are the perfect fit for recent graduates who are looking to kick-start their career through hands-on experience, mentorship, and development opportunities. Orica also have a variety of entry-level positions, allowing graduates to gain practical experience and grow their skills.
Does Orica offer opportunities for career progression?
At Orica, we encourage career progression and provide internal opportunities for growth within the organization. We have a robust performance and development cycle focusing on regular performance reviews, feedback, and career discussions.